Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

Keep the Reason for the season on your mind…

During the Christmas season it’s easier to keep the “reason for the season” front and center in our minds.  Sure, it’s a very busy time of year but we’re constantly reminded why we celebrate Christmas.  We’re celebrating the greatest gift ever given!  However, the Christmas season has ended and as we box up the decorations and put away the lights the “reason for the season” quickly begins to fade.  Now we busy ourselves with the New Year and new plans.  God has given us so much more than we could possibly imagine.  Not only has He given us His Son (which by itself would be more than we could ever hope for) but He’s given us the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  He’s given us freedom, liberty, power, a relationship with Him, and the list goes on and on.  As believers, these are all things we know and should be keeping front and center in our thinking.  Sadly, many times those truths fade away from our daily thought life.

We’ve been going through the bible in youth group and one of the things we’ve been talking about is this pattern that you notice in the Old Testament concerning God’s chosen nation, Israel.  One minute Israel would be passionate for God and follow His ways.  The next, they would be whining and complaining about hardship, food, you name it.  There’s a reason God referred to them as “a stiff necked people” (Exodus 2:9).  Sound like anyone you know??  Even though they saw some of the most amazing miracles and were in God’s presence they often forgot just how amazing it was.   They would focus on everything but God’s goodness and His love for them.  They let the truth fade away and they would turn away from God or get off track.

Now, as Christians, as a church, let’s not forget the Gift that has been given to us.  Now that Christmas is behind us and a New Year lies before us, with all of its promises, possibilities and even trials.   Don’t forget that we serve a God who loves us, a God who richly gives us all things (1 Timothy 6:17).  Keep Jesus Christ, “The Reason for the season” at the front of your mind as you enter into this New Year. 

“May the Lord bless you and protect you.
May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.
May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.”
Numbers 6:24-26 (NLT)


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