Living The Gospel Preaching the Gospel

Jesus is the Way

Founded by Jesse Mathes in 1977, JESUS IS THE WAY PRISON MINISTRY has ministered all over the United States and in 15 countries of the world sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the incarcerated. When Jesse Mathes went home to be with the Lord in June of 2008, Peter Schneider became the executive director of Jesus Is The Way and continues on the work that Jesse began. Their teams minister Jesus’ love, forgiveness, restoration and salvation using music, prayer,

 counseling, preaching and teaching. They currently minister weekly in various county jails and on a periodic regular basis in some of Illinois’ State prisons, send Bibles and Bible studies all over the U.S to any inmate that requests one and distributes Bibles to the local Youth Detention Center where they hold a Bible study each Sunday afternoon.


Jesus Is The Way Prison MinistryIn addition, Jesus is the Way strives to equip the inmates in becoming productive and responsible citizens upon their release from prison through help with employment, housing, food, and spiritual needs. In the year 2000, the ministry acquired a former Holiday Inn where they now house their ministry offices as well as an aftercare facility, New Beginnings Aftercare Center. In this facility they are able to house, clothe and feed men that have been released from prison and have a desire to make a new life for themselves. It offers a 10-month program which consists of Bible studies, classes on budgeting, family life skills and drug and alcohol rehab classes.

The office and volunteer staff of Jesus is the Way also helps extend the love of Jesus to the families of inmates by providing transportation for families visiting inmates and for children of inmates to attend summer camps. They provide a listening ear when needed, help with physical needs when possible, and solicit Christmas gifts for the inmates’ children each season through their annual Christmas Toy Drive.


Jesus Is The Way Prison Ministry
620 S. Liberty ~ P. O. Box 98
Rantoul, IL 61866
Phone: (217) 892-4044 | Fax: (217) 892-5995

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